Sunday 29 January 2012

Burdens or Blessings?

In the absence of all the things my heart longs for, You are there
A friend, a sister made up to still the ache, yet, You still care
Hope in love lost, relationships suffered You are in this all
Disappointments and excuses yet You catch me when I fall
The boy I thought would live, power I believed in, You were there
I doubted, but had hope, I was angry and cried "It's not fair!"
In the midst of all, despite of what I may have thought
The burdens I have held on to, and the answers I have sought
Why can't I just rest in your peace and let go of myself now?
To stop pretending and to stop avoiding the truth, but how?
Times I've been angry and confused, you are like a guiding light
Still then I'm easily tossed by waves and blinded in plain sight
A light house to beckon, to warn, yet I refuse to come home
I think I can master it all and so I sink on my own
The burdens are your blessings and they are calling me to you
I see how weak I really am and commit myself anew
You will always be there, yes, you are teaching me this each day
How often do I need to learn, to trust, to rest and to stay?
The lonely times,the searching times, and the hopeless times are gifts
They are the times when my whole course in life needs to move, to shift
I trust too often in people that pass, and in life that dies
I trust too often in all of this earth and it's worldly lies
Slowly, I see You through my burdens and life's promise of pain
Only You can turn burdens to blessings, there is much to gain

"Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, he will not grow tired or weary and His understanding no one can fathom."
Isaiah 40:28 & 29

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