Sunday 18 December 2011


Life is confusing...especially if we trust only ourselves...


Let's build a high tower to proclaim our great fame
Let's build a tower and make for ourselves a name
Higher than the mountains, up past the clouds
Something so glorious, it will draw crowds
They will see what we can do and be amazed
They will see the bricks with our hands we have raised
Yes, we will be great and we will be strong
Our great fame will spread through stories and songs
The plans of these men so lofty and proud
A tower of fame reaching past the clouds
A rumble of laughter mistaken for thunder
As those plans will soon enough be thrust asunder

The world continues to build arrogant towers
With bricks that are fashioned in proud human powers
We turn our blind eyes to the scars of a Son
When we proclaim our fame and declare what we've done
We laugh at the the story and make fun of their songs
And vainly forget that we too, try to be strong
Such towers are built each day in our name
With the bricks we have fashioned, we are the same
Our plans and our pride as we build arrogant towers
Only cause Him to laugh as we trust our own powers
Our efforts and wisdom are foolish and weak
It's only through Him, we will find what we seek

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