Friday 9 December 2011

He Wept

Jesus wept. He knew what was going to happen to Lazarus. He knew the outcome, yet he wept. He was deeply moved by the grief of his dear friends.  The people around Jesus did ask why he didn't just prevent the death of Lazarus. Some of the people took note of how much Jesus loved Lazarus. Jesus needed the glory of God to be undeniably shown to the people present,that's why he waited. God's glory needs to be shown through my life too. 
Sometimes I need to wait. Sometimes the way in which God reveals His glory is difficult for us to witness or endure for a time. Everything that looks good or feels good is not necessarily what God wants. I have a hard time discerning what I need to do. What God wants. Giving money to a certain project, helping a friend in need,finishing a commitment I started all sound like good things to me; but the question is whether God is glorified. Is God leading me to do this, or am I relying on what I think is right. We are definitely called to love. Sometimes though I wonder if the love we think we are showing is actually hindering. Out of love, Jesus could have prevented the death of a friend, but he saw a greater plan. That plan can hurt. Jesus wept.  Right now, the fact that Jesus wept is moving to me. He felt the pain of his friends regardless of the fact that he knew what was coming. Jesus did not get too caught up in what was going be done, what he needed to do, that he ignored the pain of his friends. Jesus was moved to weeping. He comes along side us regardless of the fact that he knows what we are going through may have a happy outcome or a good reason. To glorify God. Scary. Moving. Amazing. Absolute trust. I don't have that yet. But I know that whatever happens, Christ is not a third party witness, he is involved. I pray for the wisdom to discern what God will do through me for his glory as opposed to what I think is good. And I pray to be like Jesus in the way that it is powerful enough to come along side and weep regardless of what I might know of the situation. Not judging, not too involved in what yet needs to be done, just sharing. Loving.

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