Thursday 5 June 2014

Desert to Dessert

As a kid I often confused writing the word dessert with desert. Though I do believe people who are lost in the desert would definitely be longing for some type of dessert after a while.
I know it has been far too long since I've last written. I was in a desert of some sort -and I can see why I have been in the desert. I can see the slow guidance- I needed to continue walking. Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus spent time in the desert as well (among others I'm sure) -the desert is not a bad place to be. 
   "If you can still place your trust in Him even when you feel forsaken, that is a measure of your love. To do so, despite having no sense of His presence, is proof that you trust God's will, because you continue to pray even when you receive no obvious benefit. To pray at such times shows an intent to please God and not ourselves. and when His nearness steals over us, we shall know it stems from His grace, not our will. " Cardinal Basil Hume. 
  I know that genuine feeling and emotion were lacking from my spiritual life for a time, but I continued to trust that He is real. I continued to teach my children His ways and I continued going to church and such. He transforms us in different ways. We cannot rely on feelings when  it comes to our faith. ( This is a comfort to me being a hormonal woman -I don't always trust my feelings.) Grace is not just a feeling you get when you are saved. Grace is much more powerful than that. I guess grace is like the dessert you could be assured of receiving while in your spiritual desert. Keeping your eyes fixed on just that will make even the driest desert bearable. 

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