Monday 9 June 2014


I made this list a little while ago. I share it now as a a way to work towards flipping switches in your life. Remember to continue to ask for help - God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Reflect, listen, pray, wait and listen some more....just be. God has a way of becoming more real if you just continue to lay everything at His feet. For me this is as needed as breathing. Sometimes I picture a stop sign and I picture God smiling as I remind myself ,with each breath I take -each second even; to stop another 'if , and, or, but,' that I am tempted to make before Him...He says "Just stop." He is patient. He will listen to you.
I want to be silent before you O God. To listen. To stop.
- to stop inventing scenarios
- to stop assuming - to stop consuming
- to stop wanting any type of control
- to stop feeling without action
- to stop action without feeling
- to stop looking for answers  - to stop looking for mentors
- to stop filling time with noise
- to stop meeting all human expectations
- to stop wanting to do everything (save the world)
- to stop being overwhelmed
- to stop doing nothing
- stop worrying
- stop thinking of possible outcomes
- to stop and listen
- to stop and pray
- to stop and feel
- to stop and know
- to stop and be in awe
- to stop dreaming
- to stop being so aware
- to stop being surprised that He will meet me
- to stop being impatient
- to stop confusing patience with indifference
- to stop worrying about where anyone else stands with God
- to stop making plans
- to stop trying to figure out what people think of me
- to stop wanting people to think of me a certain way
- to stop being lost
- to stop needing to be found
- stop being alone ( a cloud surrounds you)
- to stop dwelling in one place
- to stop being discontent in one place

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