Tuesday 10 June 2014


I watched a mini documentary on OCD. I realize this is a mental disorder not to be taken lightly. I feel there are answers and comfort to be found in Christ. I also know there is a lot of hard work to be done on the part of the individual to get to certain goals while battling this disorder. I can catch a glimpse of obsessive  compulsive disorder in my life...I can empathize somewhat because I have created images in my brain of my children falling into Maligne Canyon in Jasper or other images I don't even feel comfortable to mention. I have felt a tiny fragment of the panic and if I were a fully into this disorder I realize how debilitating it could get. I understand some of the wishes and fantasies that these people need to create in order to cope. ( I don't really understand how you can fight anything without Christ...the permanency  of the solutions wouldn't seem to be there for me.) So I have thought this through. Yet we really need to have this OCD when laying everything at His feet. I can't stress this enough. We humans tend to wander. We are not robots. We get distracted constantly. People in ministry for years, missionaries and great leaders can fall as easily as you and I when they don't commit each day to Christ. So my stop list from the other day...it's not just a list you make once and forget about, it is continual. It's obsessive. -Lord if you just do this, I'll know.STOP. -What if this happens, Lord? STOP. -What if I can't? STOP. -What is she going to think? STOP. -If I buy this I'll feel ready. STOP. -But...STOP. 
Pray. Listen. Wait. ( and by listening I mean- read through the Bible as well ...let Him give you a thought or a word and find it in the Bible or find a word and see where He takes you. Ask for the Holy Spirit.) It's about giving God control.

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