Sunday 13 November 2011

My Brother's Keeper

Before I share this poem I thought I'd let you know that in my prayer tonight I asked God to keep me from getting distracted and to keep me from some sins I struggle with...then I read the passage that this poem is based on and read this: "But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." We cannot be passive in our fight against sin, it is always right there. We can't be ignorant of the fact that we struggle with sin. We need to work at fighting our weaknesses. We must master our desires. We can't just ask God to forgive us and help us and leave it at that...there is more involved on our side of things. I'm not saying we need to work to save ourselves because I know we can't work our own way into salvation...but in any relationship, we do need to do our part. Forgive me Lord for forgetting this sometimes.

My Brother's Keeper
He gave from his heart, this son of the first
His brother looked from a distance and cursed
Each day he gave with love, the best of what he had
From a distance, his brother still watched, mad
Malice, envy and feelings of hate
Drew but closer, the young man's fate

"Come, let's take a walk, my brother, my friend."
Closer still the innocent young man's end
And so in a grassy field he was killed
By his own brother who was envy filled
This was near the beginning of time
The first of murderous crimes

And then a voice called from somewhere above
A voice questioning such a betrayed love
Where is your brother, where is he, my son?
The one below could not hide nor run
So with nowhere to go, only deeper
Asked, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

You have killed him, he had done nothing wrong
You've kept this jealousy in you too long
I'm sending you out to live on your own
For you have let you heart harden to stone
So with nowhere to go, but deeper
Asked, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

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