Sunday 20 November 2011


In continuing with the poems for Sunday.....a poem about the Flood.

The skies clouded over, the sun was blocked out
Regeneration in an overlooked drought
It began with one drop of pure clean water
It fell like bullets on goats to the slaughter
The goats mocked and laughed in their bullet proof vests
And didn’t realize they only covered their chests

A sliver of light still peeked through the clouds
It fell upon just one amongst the crowds
This chosen man amidst dead ones walking
This chosen man amidst dead ones talking
The dead ones continued to live their dead lives
They continued to rub as useless dull knives

Just one man had a strange dream of a boat
And of the great waters on which it would float
The dead ones mocked him for there were no waters
The dead ones laughed at his sons and the daughters
While he built such a vessel on the dry cracked earth
The dead ones taunted and jeered and continued in mirth

To have the earth filled with these dry cracked vessels
The God of heaven with such grief did wrestle
He would wash it all away and start anew
He would use the only man who had stayed true
So amidst the mocking, jeering crowds
The water began to soak into clouds

There was an urgent whisper heard in a breeze
There was a murmur, a rustling in the tall trees
A pair of bluebirds called to a doe and a buck
A lion, a lioness and two mallard ducks
An elephant couple, a bee and it’s mate
Strangely compelled to join together and wait

The great captain came down to close the boat’s doors
He opened the floodgates and let the rains pour
His tears intermingled with drops as they fell
The ones on earth realized all was not well
The anger, the screams, the evil, blocked out
Regeneration in an overlooked drought

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