Saturday 26 November 2011

What a Week!

When reading the Bible I am sometimes confronted with something I need to work on. I feel guilty, but I also feel good to know that God is still speaking to me. I have to take the time to listen and I have to humble myself into accepting discipline. We have all had different experiences growing up. Growing up with a lot of friends who lived on a farm, the word "shit" was not so bad for example. And growing up in my family, the dutch swears were much worse than some of the english swears. I have a tendency to say the "f" word. I tend to justify it by the situation. I am asking God to work through me and He is answering by showing me what I need to work on. Preparing my heart. So this week I made a cake and it fell over in my oven. Batter everywhere. The batter even seeped down into the oven drawer underneath. That night I cooked red cabbage without putting water in the pan...I thought I smelled something burning...must be the cake from earlier..."Mom, what's that smell?" need me...Burnt red cabbage does not smell too good. The next day I drove the truck into Lacombe and hit the back side of the truck into a metal post...big dent. Then while getting chicken out of the freezer for supper I somehow managed to drop a piece behind the big, impossible to move chest and now I have to ask my husband to help me somehow get the piece of chicken before it thaws and stinks up the garage. To top it all off, I am also becoming quite efficient at using a plunger. The toilet has been plugged and has overflowed three times this week. Apple cores, while biodegradable, do take their time to break down. I am not making these situations up either to make a point...ask my husband. It has been a humbling week. I am not saying that God sent these situations my way to teach me a lesson, I'm pretty good at making a mess myself. I do however know that through reading my Bible and praying to be made Holy, God will teach us and confront us. So this morning I read "Therefore be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray." 1Peter 4:7b  In the first two situations I used the "f" word. It really didn't help. It's not a word I want my kids to pick up. I don't think I'll be less clumsy in the future. I may still use the word in moments of thoughtlessness. I need to clear my mind, stop justifying the wrong that I do and practice self control. And I read on... "If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."    
1 Peter 4:11

1 comment:

  1. Hope this week is a little less stressful, but if not, may God give you what you need so that in all things God may be praised. HUGS!
